Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2011Tunjukkan semua

lagu galau

banyak banget ya yang comment? aku termasuk sih ._____."


hello gaeeesss, jarang sekali saya memiliki waktu luang seluang-luangnya kayak hari ini, besok, dan seterusnya wakakakak. NGIMPI. yang ben…



tugas (lagi!)

hallo long time no see :) hari ini cuma mau curhat tugas lho aku haha ._. gaya eh, tiap hari galau tugas -_- makasih ya *keplak* well…


iya ta rek? -_- #galau

"Things I'll Never Say"

| I’m tugging at my hair I’m pulling at my clothes I’m trying to keep my cool I know it shows I’m staring at my feet My cheeks are tur…

so complicated -pasang-lagu-justin-bieber-one-time

Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time Me plus you, I'ma tell you one time One time, one ti…


galau -_- aku sampe sering banget muter lagunya The Corrs-What can i do tau lagu itu? amat menyindir -_____- silahkan donlot, se…


entah kenapa, tiap ndengerin lagunya JEBE yang ONE TIME ... aku merinding dangdut hahaha liriknya itu lho rek masya allah ._. apalagi ya…

day 30 — your reflection in the mirror

| i always try to smile in every steps i take. even if i'm being hurt someday, that smile .. my smile .. i'll always bring it on…

day 29 — the person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

WHAT THE .. kenapa semua pertanyaannya bikin galau? hallo gaes, tolong dong ini direvisi list 30 days challengenyaaaaa bisa mati duduk …

day 28 — someone that changed your life

ee eee PASS! you know who -________-

day 27 — the friendliest person you knew for only one day

i'll try to keep my mouth shut up. though i've been trying so long, i know i can't -_- cause he's so special. hahaha. ev…

day 26 — the last person you made a pinky promise to

PAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS -________________- #belum sih, masih nunggu. tapi semoga yang terakhir :)) * Ini jawaban tahun berapa ya? Kalo…

day 25 — the person you know that is going through the worst of times

no one cause i know, everyone has the the best way they've chosen to avoid the worst time in their life. KEEP YOUR SPIRIIIT GAEEESS!!…

day 24 — the person that gave you your favorite memory

sejauh ini .. ehm .. ehm .. ehm .. PASS -_- #galau

day 23 — the last person you kissed

my hammy :3

day 22 — someone you want to give a second chance to

....................................... pass -_-

day 21 — someone you judged by their first impression

GEBETAN BARUKU !! :" he's so ... hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa just shut up. hahahaha

day 20 — the one that broke your heart the hardest

ee ee iapa ya hahahaha udah pada tau laah gaes, jangan bikin malu -_- emoh ngefrontal disini, ntar dituntut ganti rugi atas tuduhan pence…

day 19 — someone that pesters your mind—good or bad

ee not someone, but some people. yes, they're here ... welcome to the freaky archie 2011 !!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

day 18 — the person that you wish you could be

Nabi Muhammad  SAW :)))) atau, yah, seenggaknya Aisyah r.a deh hahaha ._.v #labil

day 17 — someone from your childhood

................ Rahasia :" # Sebenernya, ini post lama yang jawabannya itu cinta monyetquwh. Sekarang, dia sedang mempersiapka…

day 16 — someone that’s not in your state/country

Eee halo gaes. Maap ya 30 days challenge nya bikin galau semua, jadi nggak ada yang kejawab dengan bener ._.v Hahaha gak mbois Well, pa…

day 15 — the person you miss the most

em .... TOKO BUKU! *gebrak-gebrak meja* bukan person kali ndek ndek -_-

day 14 — someone you’ve drifted away from

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *nggeblak* # Orang yang udah jahatin aku. Huh. Kezel pokoknya

day 13 — someone you wish could forgive you

EVERYONE! yaa terutama yang pernah tersinggung sama segala habit-ku. maaf, kadang-kadang aku bisa sangat freak -oo- itu nggak disengaja ka…

day 12 — the person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

MY EX !! eh gila semangat banget lu ndek haha -oo- gak lah jek, masa' aku benci sama mantanku? gitu-gitu aku pernah naksir mereka k…

day 11 — a deceased person you wish you could talk to

mbahyut dari ibuk :') kata ibuk, beliau sangat buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk sampe-sampe ibuk kalo cerita itu matanya ber…

day 10 — someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

Eee orang gila yang pasti -_- Baru nyadar ini jawaban paling random dan nggak niat wkwkwk As far as i rethink about that answer.. …

Untold Speech

the greeny cactus house the house's design my friends dreamed, eca :)) nothing can beats this things -.-

unique houses

well yeah, ini bukan pertama kalinya aku, dan juga temen-temen angkatanku lainnya tentu aja, ditugasin buat bikin sesuatu yang aneh. mulai…

gerigi its 2011

HAALLLOOOO SMELEKOOOMMM !!! kangen sekalee sama kalian gaesss :D well, maaf baru ngepost. biasa, tugas tugas lagi berjatuhan dari langit …

Well, printerku nakal lagi. Dan yeah, sangat menguras waktuku. Bikin aku nggak mandi-mandi, padahal ketek udah bau, badan juga lengket. …

coklat :3

hai hai! ketemu lagi sama endek lucu :"> oh well, kemaren aku sama babeh ibuk laras ke superindo. belanja :3 awalnya aku blanj…

the campus and the flu

ehem, ohayoo gaesss- ee ehem, ehem huk uhuk hallo maaf saya lagi batuk filek. aih~ menderita nyunyuu :3 nggak tau ini kejangkit siap…

day 9 — someone you wish you could meet

MS. SUE !! Bu Sue lagi, ndek? IYAAA !! *gaknyantai* yang lain? SUE LIMB !! sama aja dodol. dasar babi. yang laen, jangan Sue Limb l…

day 8 — your favorite internet friend

BU SUE LIMB!! huahaha ngimpi =)) but i wish ^^ well, semuanya favorit kok. pokoknya yang ngeksis kayak aku, pasti tak favoritin. wuaka…

day 7 — your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

mau tau? penasaran? ........................... bentar ya, gue panggilin si endek dulu ...............................................…

day 6 — a stranger

the first task --

ohayo! lama sekale aku ndak onlen blog. kangeen aih~ well, udah empat hari kuliah. lagi banyak-banyaknya tugas sih, tapi aku kangen onl…

kuliah day one

ohayoo! lama tak jumpo! aih~ well, baru ngepost ndek? iya niih kangen berat :3 kemane aje lu? biasa, wisata salim alias cari nafkah a…

day 5 — your dreams

semangaat semangaaat semangaaaaatttt :))))

day 4 — your sibling (or closest relative)

eee kalo yang kandung .... aku gak punya yang bener-bener deket haha iya sih ada si laras, tapi kan nggak deket gitu -oo- kalo sahabat y…

hallo gaes! udah lama gak posting haha untung masih ada sisa-sisa ide di otakku, jadi, yah, bisa ngisi blog lagi hahaha gak jelas. eniw…

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