now on, i wanna said the greatest thankful for Allah :')
for the miracle in my whole life. this's what i want, what i pray for, what i believe i can pass.
alhamdulillah *sujud syukur terus*
sori ya gambarnya gak bisa didonlot buat sekarang ini, mangkanya tak gedein aja *balas dendam*
eniwei, aku bener-bener shock dan masih susah buat percaya. hahaha
alhamdulillah, gak sia-sia aku nambah porsi ibadah :')
com'on believe. then God will make your dreams come true ^^
p.s : why is it placed at number 9?
goddamn, it's cool. muahahahaha *yang ngerti tak kasih selamat =))*
2 Komentar
maacih ya ipin :3
moga2 kita ketrima snmptn. amin